Slovaks Concerned over Unemployment and Financial Prospects

Source: SITA, 31.7.2009

Majority of Slovak citizens are concerned over rising unemployment as well as financial outlook of their households, show results of a survey. Supporters of the opposition Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK) worry most about the issue, when all of addressed people expressed concern. The least concerned are supporters of the opposition Christian-Democratic Movement (KDH), and the ruling coalition members the Slovak National Party (SNS) and People’s Party -- Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (LS-HZDS). As much as 89 percent of Slovaks are troubled by the rising unemployment. Only nine percent of respondents said they were not concerned about it. Two percent of those polled said they had not noticed the tendency or could not comment on it. The Institute of Public Affairs (IVO) carried out the survey carried out between July 1- 7 on a sample of 1,017 adult Slovak residents.

Slovaks also critically view the financial prospects of their households. 72 percent of respondents is worried about the matter, while approximately one in four is not. The remaining four percent could not answer the question. SMK supporters expressed greatest concerns, while voters of the opposition Slovak Democratic and Christian Union–Democratic Party (SDKU-DS) and of the ruling Smer-SD party were the least distressed by the matter.


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