IVO is organizing a conference about civil society and (anti)discrimination
Institute for Public Affairs in cooperation with Občan a demokracia (Citizen and Democracy), Hlava 98 (Head 98) and PDCS is organizing a conference Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actors in the Field of Anti-Discrimination. It will be held on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 from 9 am to 6 pm, in TrenkwalderTrainingCenter, Námestie 1. mája 18 in Bratislava.
The Conference is organized in the framework of the Initiative Towards Equal Treatment: Awareness Raising and Multi-Level Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actors in the Field of Anti-Discrimination implemented in Slovakia within PROGRESS (2007 – 2013), the Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity supported by the European Commission and the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic.