Launching e-Governance in Slovakia: Empowering Citizens to Participate, Influence and Exercise Democratic Control

Supported by: Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe

Project Span:
 April 2007 – September 2008

Project Team:
 Marián Velšic (project leader and analyst), Grigorij Mesežnikov (analyst), Oľga Gyárfášová (analyst), Silvia Šumšalová (analyst), Hana Lyons (manager).

External experts: Lucia Mušková (ITAPA), Michal Ivantyšyn (ITAPA), Milan Galanda (legal expert), Martin Slosiarik (FOCUS), Viktor Nižňanský (M.E.S.A 10).

Co-organizing institutions: FOCUS Agency, ITAPA forum, M.E.S.A 10 

To spearhead public and expert discourse by providing empirical data, to improve the citizens’ awareness about online services for exercising their rights, to deepen capabilities of civil society actors to use information technologies for promotion of open society principles in public life and to generate pressure on the public administration to implement information and communication technologies with regards of citizens’ rights, to increase interest of NGOs and other civil society actors to participate on development of e-Governance.

The implementation of the project is divided into two phases:

1) Analytical and monitoring phase

  • Representative research on the attitudes of the public towards online services
  • Screening and evaluation of online public services according to the methodology eEurope+
  • In-depth interviews with experts, NGO leaders, political actors, representatives of public adminsitration
  • Monitoring of activities of governmental institutions during the implementation of e-Governance/e-Government
  • Monitoring of ICT use in NGO sector

2) Advocacy phase

  • Direct activities (tools) – initiation of discussion between experts and representatives of the state  institutions; local self-governments, NGOs and civic initiatives; provision of analytical data for the legislative process and governmental strategies
  • Indirect activities (tools) – stimulation of public discussion through analyses, commentaries, and interviews placed in print and electronic media, as well as the Internet.


1. Study e-Government na Slovensku 2007. Screening elektronických služieb verejnej správy. (Available in Slovak language) 

2. Article e-Government na Slovensku 2007. Screening elektronických služieb verejnej správy. IT Ročenka 2007. (Available in Slovak language) 

3. Article e-Government na Slovensku 2007 - opäť nový štart? Infoware 10/2007. (Available in Slovak language) 

4. Article e-Služby v samospráve. Infoware 11/2007. (Available in Slovak language) 

5. Article e-Demokracia v SR. Infoware 12/2007. (Available in Slovak language) 

6. Research Report Občania online. (Available in Slovak language) 

7. Multimedia CD Občania online. (Available in Slovak language)

8. Powerpoint Presentation Občania online. (Available in Slovak language)

9. ITAPA 2007 International Congress „Living Online“. (Available in English language)

10. Multimedia CD ITAPA 2007. Living Online (Available in Slovak language)

11. Research Report Citizens Online. (Available in English language)

12. Article Čo bráni občanom byť on-line? Infoware 3/2008. (Available in Slovak language)

13. Research Report e-Demokracia na Slovensku. (Available in Slovak language)

14. Chapter Informačná spoločnosť. In: Slovakia 2007. A Global report on the State of Society. (Available in Slovak language)

15. Article e-Demokracia. Topic of the volume. Infoware 6-7/2008 (Available in Slovak language)

16. Study e-Government očami aktérov a expertov. (Available in Slovak language)

17. Study Informatization in the non-governmental Sector. (Available in Slovak language)

18. Study series in IT Ročenka 2008.  (Available in Slovak language)

19. Multimedia CD e-Governance na Slovensku 2006-2008 (Available in Slovak language with English summary)

20. Article Slovak citizens online. Connection 11/2008 (Available in English language)


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