Ženy, muži a vek v štatistikách trhu práce (Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics)

The Institute for Public Affairs issued a new publication Ženy, muži a vek v štatistikách trhu práce (Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics) authored by Jarmila Filadelfiová and edited by Zora Bútorová. The book is in Slovak language and has an extensive English summary.

The book is the result of a project called Plus for Women 45+ by the EU Community Initiative EQUAL, number 95/04-I/33-4.1, financed by the European Social Fund. It is the first of six research studies prepared as part of this project.

The main goal of the study Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics is to get better insight into the situation of women and men in the sphere of paid work. It presents a wide range of quantitative data on labor market and on broader demographic context classified by gender and age. Wherever possible, it compares indicators for the Slovak Republic with averages for European Union countries.

The preparation of this study demanded a significant amount of time and energy. In Slovakia, it is still challenging to find the necessary data organized by gender, over longer periods of time, and in specialized statistical or analytical publications. Notably lacking are regular and comprehensive publications of gender and age indicators, which would capture various aspects of the society’s life.

The first chapter Demographic Context of Labor Market analyses basic demographic trends and changes in reproductive behavior of the Slovak population, as well as in the size and structure of families. The second chapter Structure of Population by Gender and Age describes the trends in absolute numbers and age structure of women and men according to various definitions of productive age. Special attention is paid to the age group of women and men over 45.

The third chapter Gender and Age Dimension of Employment and Labor Market features educational structure and professional orientation of Slovak women and men, their economic activity and employment rate by age; gender segregation on labor market, gender and age dimension of workplace and gender inequalities in remuneration. The fourth chapter Gender and Age Dimension of Unemployment depicts differences in unemployment rate and long term unemployment rate of women and men. It examines makeup of unemployed women and men by age, education and duration of unemployment.

The book was launched on a press conference on February 27, 2007.

The book’s cover features the artwork of Anna Daučíková, who is one of Slovakia’s leading visual artists.

To order the publication
Ženy, muži a vek v štatistikách trhu práce (Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics), please contact Peter Pavilek pavilek@ivo.sk .

The author Jarmila Filadelfiová during her presentation

The audience of the press conference

The author Jarmila Filadelfiová and the editor Zora Bútorová

Photo by Paula Jójárt

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