Supported by: Open Society Foundation, Bratislava
Project span: January 2006 – December 2006
Project team: Zora Bútorová, Oľga Gyárfášová, Vladimír Krivý, Grigorij Mesežnikov, Marián Velšic
Co-organizing institutions: FOCUS agency
The aim of the project is to promote public debate on select topics of public policy in order main societal actors (politicians, NGO activists, media, the state and self-government representatives) to be motivated to seek and to implement solutions that strengthen values of open society and increase civic participation. The main target group of the project is Slovak public with special emphasize to select socio-demographic and professional groups (youth, population of particular regions, multipliers – teachers, journalists, university teachers, NGO representatives). Thanks to project outputs citizens will get access to information that will increase their awareness on problems which are considered by the Institute for Public Affairs as prior in process of society’s transformation.
Key topics of the project are:
- quality of democracy, public control, civic participation
- European dimension of nowadays Slovakia (Slovak contribution to EU further development, Europeanism in Slovakia, Slovak youth and Europe)
- quality of conditions of life, equality of chances, justice, social inclusion, removal of various forms of discrimination).
Book: Predsavzatia a skutočnosť II. Hodnotenie plnenia programového vyhlásenia druhej vlády Mikuláša Dzurindu . Available in the Slovak language only.
Book: Voľby 2006. Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí . Available in the Slovak language only.
Analytical article: Retrospektívny pohľad na volebné správanie. Available in the Slovak language only.
Analytical article: Nová vláda nemá podporu väčšiny verejnosti. Available in the Slovak language only.
Analytical article: Slovensko a voliči pred voľbami: pohľad za oponu volebných preferncií. Available in the Slovak language only.
Study: Slovakia Before the 2006 Election
PowerPoint presentation: Slovakia Before the 2006 Election
Press release: Ako verejnosť hodnotí aktuálny vývoj spoločnosti. Available in the Slovak language only.
PowerPoint presentation: Slovensko pred voľbami. Available in the Slovak language only.