Digital Literacy in Slovakia

Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) presents its unique research project – Digital Literacy in Slovakia. This project has the aim of assessing one of the key pre-requisites of a successful transformation to an information society and a knowledge-based economy – the preparedness of the general public to use modern information and communication technologies. It has been supported by six key actors on ITC market – Accenture, Alcatel, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Siemens and Slovak Telecom.

The analysis provides answers to crucial questions and issues, such as:

  • Perception of importance and role of ICT in everyday life
  • Access to and use of ICT Modern ICT equipment in households
  • Present and future adaptation strategies of the population
  • Summarizing data on the level of digital literacy - Digital Literacy Index (DLI)
  • Basic structure and depth of the “digital divide” in the society as a potential source of social problems
  • Digital literacy and the labor market
  • Perception of political responsibility for the development of information society.

Methodology, statistical processing of data and analysis prepared by Marián Velšic, analyst of IVO.

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Sponsors about the Project

“We are pleased to be an integral part of this groundbreaking research initiative which provides substantive information on the digital literacy development in Slovakia. After successfully completing the research phase, we consider it equally important to appropriately leverage the obtained data and apply them effectively as a basis for government strategies to develop a prosperous knowledge-based society. One of the key findings of the project is a vital need for an educational campaign which would familiarize the wider public with the real benefits of applying modern information and communication technologies in everyday life and in contact with the state administration. Digital literacy is not anymore a choice for an individual, nor is it a limited domain of the younger generation – it is a necessity for the wider population. Digital literacy is a basic precondition for Slovakia’s long-term prosperity and sustained competitiveness in the global marketplace.”

Peter Škodný

Country Managing Director, Accenture, Slovakia

"The findings of the digital literacy research, as well as the study's conclusions undoubtedly offer a valuable and extensive info-basis for the relevant policy- and decision-makers in Slovakia, and can be utilized to effectively plan and implement the strategy of "informatization" of the society, as a basic prerequisite of the Slovakia's future prosperity and increasing the standard of living of our citizens. The growing disparities of ICT skills between certain segments of the population are alarming. If they persist in the future, they can have a far-reaching negative socio-economic impact. The representatives of both the government and political parties are facing a key challenge – to set back this negative trend and make ICT accessible to all social groups, while motivating them to use it."

Jaroslav Mlynček

CEO, Alcatel Slovakia, a.s.

“The informatization of Slovak society constitutes a significant factor which will have an effect on Slovakia’s future competitiveness. From my point of view, this is absolutely an imperative, which should lead us to realize that the faster we will employ information technologies in all segments of life, ranging from households to providing governmental and public services, the greater the chances are that Slovakia will not be relegated to the status of a manufacturing country caught up in fierce global competition. For our company and myself personally, the support of the project, which brings precise and usable information on the state of digital literacy in Slovakia came very naturally.”

Peter Weber

General Director, Hewlett-Packard Slovakia, s.r.o.

“At present, digital literacy does not mean just being able to use a mobile phone, but along with language skills, it represents an important requirement for finding new employment opportunities. It is also an important indicator of whether Slovakia is keeping up with other member countries of the European Union. The results of the study on digital literacy in Slovakia have revealed a positive trend, which alone does not mean that there still isn’t a lot of room for improvement. What is important is that as long as access to information and communication technologies will not improve and the obstacles will be financial in nature, we cannot expect improvement in this area in the near future.

We should not underestimate the findings regarding the level of digital literacy among the population 50 years and over. Based on the findings of a study recently released, over the upcoming two decades we can expect a 25% increase in the population of those in the 50-64 age groups. I think now is the right time to seek ways to make new technologies accessible for persons in this age group, even though a majority of them presently consider these skills to be of no relevance to their lives. We need them to make use of their experiences and pass them on to the younger generation. I believe that the same way IBM has decided to support this study, our society will support successful implementation of the study’s recommendations. This would constitute the important first step on this long journey.”

Boris Kekeši

General Director, IBM Slovakia

“The Digital literacy of Slovakia is one of the basic pre-conditions for building a knowledge-based economy. This is why Siemens has supported and will continue to support every meaningful activity leading to its development. In the final analysis, improvements in this area will have an effect on the competitiveness of our people, as well as the country as a whole, not only in the European, but also in the global context. The research on the state of digital literacy in Slovakia has helped the leaders of the business sector, as well as public administration to identify areas for cooperation and improvement.”

Peter Kollárik

General Director, Siemens, s.r.o.

“I believe that the findings of the research project will convince even the skeptics that digital literacy is not a luxury, but is rather a present day economic necessity. It is therefore essential to continue – with a greater push – in all activities related to increasing the level of digital literacy in the educational system, including universities, as well as in the society as a whole. Emphasis on education and improvements in digital literacy are areas on which a successful completion of economic reforms rests. At the same time, they are a way to break the vicious circle of poverty passed from generation to generation, which is very evident in some underdeveloped regions of Slovakia. Improvements in education and digital literacy will also bring improvements in the quality of labor force, employment rate, and the standard of living. I am glad that our company’s support to this project helped gain useful information and high quality data.”

Miroslav Majoroš

President/CEO, Slovak Telecom, a.s.

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