Supported by: The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic based on the recommendations of the Economic Council of the Government and a selection committee.
Project span: April 2002 – September 2002
Project team: Miroslav Kollár – coordinator and editor; Grigorij Mesežnikov- editor; Fedor Gál – methodological leader and editor; IVO internal analysts and external experts.
Co-organizing Institutions: Center for Social Analysis at the School of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (CESES FSV UK)
Objective: Based on identifying the key developmental trends and priority problem areas, to elaborate three scenarios of development in different sectors of society and define a strategy of desired development. Further, to describe the problems generated within the desired development, and to find suitable ways of addressing them.
The study Vision of the Development of the Slovak Republic till 2020 was published in March 2003, under the "Working Papers" edition. Only a limited number of copies were published. The study was presented at a special session of the Economic Council of the Slovak Government in October, 2002. In November, 2002 IVO organized an expert seminar with participation of experts from CESES on the project itself and the methodology that was employed.