Zora Bútorová
Senior Research Fellow

CV abstract

Zora Bútorová, graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia with a degree in sociology. Before 1989, her major field of study was sociology and ethics of science. In 1989, she belonged to the leaders of the democratization of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. After 1990, she has become one of the key figures in public opinion research in Slovakia. She is author of numerous studies and articles on political culture and value orientations in post-Communist Czechoslovakia and Slovakia and on people’s attitudes toward various aspects of Slovakia’s transition to democracy. Since the mid 1990s she has studied current changes in women’s lives and in gender relations. From 1993-1997, she was senior researcher at the FOCUS agency. From 1997-1999, she was resident scholar at the Institute for Public Affairs and director of its research program on political culture and public opinion. In 1998, she was one of the founders of the civic campaign of non-governmental organizations, OK '98, which contributed to free and fair parliamentary elections in Slovakia. In 1999-2003, she was accompanying her husband Martin Bútora, who served as the Ambassador of Slovakia to the U.S. In 2000-2001, she was a visiting fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy's International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C. Currently she is resident scholar of the Institute for Public Affairs.


  • political culture, value orientations, people’s views on various aspects of transition
  • foreign policy orientations
  • attitudes toward ethnic and other minorities
  • gender issues and equality of opportunities

Work History

  • senior research fellow, Institute for Public Affairs, 2003 – 2011
  • external analyst, Institute for Public Affairs, 1999 – 2003
  • research program director, Institute for Public Affairs, 1997 – 1999
  • researcher, FOCUS, 1993 – 1997
  • researcher, Center for Social Analysis, 1992
  • researcher, Institute for Social Analysis, Comenius University, 1990 – 1992
  • researcher, Center for Research of Social Problems at the Coordinating Center of The Public Against the Violence political movement, 1990
  • researcher, Department of the Theory of Science and Forecasting at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1983 – 1990
  • researcher, Research Institute of Living Standard, 1980 – 1982
  • researcher, Czechoslovak Research Institute of Labor and Social Issues, 1972 – 1979



  • Ph.D., sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1979
  • Ph.Dr., sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1975
  • M. A., sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1972

Fellowships and Educational Programs

  • Campus fellow of The German Marshall Fund of the US, 1996
  • Fellow at the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Foundation for Democracy in Washington, D.C., 2000 – 2001

Selected Book Publications

  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O.: Slovakia Votes: Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Gyárfášová, O. (Eds.): Visegrad Elections 2010: Domestic Impact and European Consequences. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2011. 
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: Kollár, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Bútora, M. (Eds.): Slovensko 2009. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti a trendoch na rok 2010 [Slovakia 2009. Global Report on the State of Society and Trends for 2010]. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky 2010.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O.: Contemporary Slovakia in Public Opinion. In: Bútora, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. (Eds.): Slovakia 2009. Trends in Quality of Democracy. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2010. 
  • Bútorová, Z.: Verejná mienka: zdroj pohybu, sila zotrvačnosti [Public Opinion: the Source of Movement, the Power of Inertia]. In: Bútora, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. – Bútorová, Z. (Eds.): Kde sme? Mentálne mapy Slovenska [Where Are We. Mental Maps of Slovakia]. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky 2010. 
  • Bútorová, Z.: Prezidentské voľby 2009 ako viacnásobný test [The 2009 presidential elections as a multiple test]. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Gyárfášová, O. – Kollár, M. (Eds.): Slovensko volí. Európske a prezidentské voľby 2009 [Slovakia votes. European and presidential elections 2009]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2009.  
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O.: Contemporary Slovakia in Public Opinion. In: Bútora, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. (Eds.): Slovakia 2008. Trends in Quality of Democracy. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2009. 
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: Kollár, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Bútora, M. (Eds.): Slovensko 2008. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia 2008. Global Report on the State of Society]. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky 2009.
  • Bútorová, Z. et al.: She and He in Slovakia. Gender and Age in the Period of Transition. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2008.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: Kollár, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Bútora, M. (Eds): Slovensko 2007. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia 2007. Global Report on the State of Society]. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky 2008.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O. – Krivý, V.: Slovakia Votes. Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior. In: Bútora, M. – Gyárfášová, O. – Mesežnikov, G. – Skladony, T.W. (Eds.): Democracy and Populism in Central Europe: The Visegrad Elections and Their Aftermath. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2007.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O: Public Opinion. In: Kollár, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Bútora, M. (Eds.): Slovakia 2006. Global Report on the State of Society. Institute for Public Affairs 2007.
  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Tu a teraz. Sondy do života žien 45+ [Here and Now. Probes into the Life of Women 45+]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2007.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Filadelfiová, J.: Frauen und Frauenorganisationen in der Slowakei. In: Stillstand oder Roll-back? Zur Situation der Frauen in den „neuen“ mittel-europäischen EU-Ländern und der Ukraine. Warszaw, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Vertretung in Polen 2006.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O.: Public Opinion. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. – Bútora, M. (Eds.): Slovakia 2005. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2006.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Growing Diversity in the Lifes of Slovak People (The Sociological Background to Domestic Cultural Disputes). In: Gyárfášová, O. – Mesežnikov, G. (Eds.): Slovakia “in the Draft”. Cultural and Ethical Challenges and the New Nature of Disputes after Accession to the European Union. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2005.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Filadelfiová, J.(ed.): Násilie páchané na ženách ako problém verejnej politiky. [Violence against the Women as an Issue of Public Policy]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2005.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O. – Velšic, M.: Slovakia’s First Year of EU and NATO membership in public opinion. In: Slovakia’s Euro-Atlantic Integration – a Year After. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2005.
  • Bútorová, Z.: The Separation of Czechoslovakia and the First Decade of Slovakia’s Independence through the Eyes of its Citizens. In: Mesežnikov,. M. – Gyárfášová, O. (Eds.): Slovakia: Ten Years of Independence and a Year of Reforms. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2004.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Mimovládne organizácie a dobročinnosť vo svetle verejnej mienky [NGOs and Charity in Public Perception]. In: Majchrák, J. – Strečanský, B. – Bútora, M. (ed.): Keď ľahostajnosť nie je odpoveď. Príbeh občianskeho združovania na Slovensku po páde komunizmu [When Indifference Is not the Answer. The Story of Civic Associating in Slovakia after the Fall of Communism]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2004.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Filadelfiová, J. – Marošiová, L.: Ženské mimovládne organizácie: trendy, problémy, výzvy [Women’s NGOs: Trends, Problems, and Challenges]. In: Majchrák, J. – Strečanský, B. – Bútora, M. (ed.): Keď ľahostajnosť nie je odpoveď. Príbeh občianskeho združovania na Slovensku po páde komunizmu [When Indifference Is not the Answer. The Story of Civic Associating in Slovakia after the Fall of Communism]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2004.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O. – Velšic, M.: Public Opinion. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. (Eds.): Slovakia 2003. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2003.
  • Bútora, M. – Mesežnikov, G. – Bútorová, Z.: Slovakia’s Democratic Awakening. In: Rupnik, j – Zielonka, J. (Eds)|: The Road to the European Union. Volume 1. The Czech and Slovak Republics. Manchester and New York, Manchester University Press 2003.
  • Filadelfiová, J. – Bútorová, Z. – Gyarfášová, O.: Women and Men in Politics. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. – Nicholson, T. (Eds.): Slovakia 2002. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2002.
  • Bútorová, Z. - Filadelfiová, J. – Gyarfášová, O. – Cviková, J. – Farkašová, K.: Women, Men, and Equality of Opportunities. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. – Nicholson, T. (Eds.): Slovakia 2002. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2002.
  • Daučíková, A. – Bútorová, Z. – Wallace-Lorenzová, V.: The Status of Sexual Minorities. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. – Nicholson, T. (Eds.): Slovakia 2002. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2002.
  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Krehká sila. Dvadsať rozhovorov o zivotných dráhach zien [Fragile Strength: Twenty Interviews about the Life Stories of Women]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2001.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O. – Velšic, M.: Public Opinion. In: Mesežnikov, G. – Kollár, M. – Nicholson, T. (Eds.): Slovakia 2000. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2000.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Development of Public Opinion: From Discontent to the Support of Political Change. In: Martin Bútora – Grigorij-Mesežnikov – Zora-Bútorová – Sharon-Fisher (Eds): The 1998 Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Rebirth in Slovakia. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 1999.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O. – Velšic, M.: Public Opinion. In: Grigorij Mesežnikov – Michal Ivantysin – Tom Nicholson (Eds.): Slovakia 1998-1999. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 1999.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Filadelfiová, J. – Guráň, O. – Gyárfášová, O. – Farkašová, K.: Gender Issues in Slovakia. In: Grigorij Mesežnikov – Michal Ivantysin – Tom Nicholson (Eds.): Slovakia 1998-1999. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 1999.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Public Opinion. In: Martin Bútora and Thomas W.Skladony (Eds.): Slovakia 1996-1997. A Global Report on the State of Society.Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 1998.
  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.).:Democracy and Discontent in Slovakia: A Public Opinion Profile of a Country in Transition.Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 1998.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Public Opinion in Slovakia in 1996. In: Bútora, M. (Ed.): Global Report on Slovakia. Comprehensive Analysis from 1996-1997. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 1997.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Public Opinion in Slovakia: Continuity and Change. In: Szomolányi, S. - Gould, J.A. (Eds).: Slovakia. Problems of Democratic Consolidation. The Struggle for the Rules of the Game. Bratislava, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 1997.
  • Bútorová, Z. et all.: She and He in Slovakia. Gender Issues in Public Perception. Bratislava, FOCUS 1996.
  • Bútora, M. - Bútorová, Z.: Attitudes Toward Jews and the Holocaust in Independent Slovakia. New York, AJC, 1995.
  • Bútora, M. - Bútorová, Z. - Gyárfášová, O.: From Velvet Revolution to Velvet Divorce (Reflections on the Newly Born Slovak Statehood). In: Kovács, J.M. (ed).: Transition to Capitalism? The Communist Legacy in Eastern Europe.Transaction Publishers 1994.
  • Bútora, M. - Bútorová, Z.: Die unerträglische Glattheit der Scheidung. In: Kipke, R. - Vodička, K (eds): Abschied von der Tschechoslowakei. Berlin, Wissenschaft und Politik 1993.
  • Bútorová, Z. et all.: Transformation of Science and Higher Education in Slovakia. Dilemmas and Perspectives. Bratislava, C.S.A. 1992.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Two Years After November, 17, 1989: Slovakia on the Search of Its Face. In: Gerlich, P. – Glass, K.: Zwischen den Zeiten. Wien, VWGO 1992.


Selected Studies in Professional Journals

  • Bútorová, Z. – Gyárfášová, O.: Občianska participácia: trendy, problémy, súvislosti [Civic Participation: Trends, Problems, Contexts]. Bratislava: Sociológia, 2010, 42 (5), s. 447 – 491.
  • Bútorová, Z., Twenty Years of Maturing: Slovak Women Exploring the Frontiers of Democracy. In: International Journal for Politics, Culture and Society, 2009, Vol. 22, No.4, p. 557 – 578.
  • Bútora, M. – Bútorová, Z.: Democratic Awakening of Slovakia. Journal of Democracy, Vol. 10, January 1999.
  • Bútorová, Z. - Gyárfášová, O. - Kúska, M.: Slovakia after 1994 Elections: Transition Challenges in Public Perception. In: Slovak Sociological Review, Vol. 1, Fall 1996, pp. 85-196.
  • Bútora, M. – Bútorová, Z.: Identités en transition: de la Tchechoslovaquie a la Slovaquie. Politique et Societés, 1995, No. 28.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Bútora, M.: A szlovákiai változások öt éve (tanulmány). Kalligram, 1995, No. 11, pp. 27 – 37.
  • Bútora, M. - Bútorová, Z.: Slovakia: The Identity Challenges of the newly Born State. In: Social Research, Vol.60, No.4 (Winter 1993).
  • Bútora, M. - Bútorová, Z.: Slovakia after the Split. In: Journal of Democracy, vol.4., No 2, April 1993.
  • Bútorová, Z.: A Deliberate YES to the Dissolution of Czecho-Slovakia? In: In: Czechoslovak Sociological Review (Prague), XXIX, Special Issue, 1993, 1.
  • Bútorová, Z. – Bútora, M.: Wariness towards the Jews as an Expression of Post-Communist Panic. Czechoslovak Sociological review, Special Issue,1992.
  • Frič, P. – Bútorová, Z. – Rosová, T.: Česko-slovenské vzťahy v zrkadle výskumu [Czecho-Slovak Relations Through in the Mirror of the Surveys]. Sociológia, 1992, No. 1 – 2.
  • Bútora, M. – Bútorová, Z. – Rosová, T.: The Hard Birth of Democracy in Slovakia: The Eighteen Months Following the “Tender” Revolution. The Journal of Communist Studies, l99l, No. 4.

Selected Working and Research Papers

  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Current Problems of Slovakia on the Verge of 1995-1996. Bratislava, FOCUS 1996.
  • Bútorová, Z.: Spoločenské dôsledky vodného diela Gabčíkovo [Social Impacts of the Gabčíkovo Water Dam]. Bratislava, FOCUS 1995.
  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Current Problems of Slovakia – December 1994. Bratislava, FOCUS 1995.
  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Current Problems of Slovakia after the Split of the ČSFR – March 1993. Bratislava, Center for Social Analysis 1993.
  • Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Current Problems of Czecho-Slovakia – January 1992. Bratislava, Center for Soocial Analysis 1992.

Lectures at International Conferences, Seminars, and Colloquia

She had presentations at more than 150 conferences, seminars and workshops, including XII. World Congress of Sociology in Madrid (1990); University of Umea (1991 and 1997), University of Orebro, University of Gothenburg (1991); Dr. Karl-Renner Institut (Vienna, 1991), Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna, 1992); Centre d'etudes et de recherches internationales Paris (1993 and 2004); Czech Sociological Association, Prague and Slovak Sociological Association, Bratislava (1975-1992); University of Lublin (Poland, 1994): European Parliament (Bruxelles, 1994); Collegium Mexico (1996); University of Szombathely, Hungary (1997 and 1998); Foreign Service Institute, Washington; American Academy of Sciences, Washington; Harvard University, Boston; Tufts University, Boston; Howard University, Washington; Georgetown University; New York University; New School University, New York; George Washington University; Princeton University; Indiana University; Stanford University; University of Berkeley; Boulder University; University of Greensboro; New England College; Hanover College; Wesleyan Ohio University; University of Arizona; University of Minnesota; Florida International University; Ohio State University; University of Nevada; and Columbia University; Wayne University; University of Michigan; Johns Hopkins University; and Colorado College (USA, 1992-2003); Center for International and Strategic Studies, Washington (USA, 1992 – 2011); International Republican Institute, Istanbul, University of Milano, University of Helsinki (2006); New York University Prague (2009 – 2010).

Other Activities


  • Member of the International Forum for Democratic Studies Research Council at the National Endowment for Democracy
  • Member of the Board of the Committee for the Support of Democracy in Cuba
  • Member of the Board of Slovak-Czech Women’s Fund

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