Čo si myslíte o NATO

Country and year of production
SR, 2001

Šulík Marek

Šulík Marek

Director of photography
Kollár Martin, Meliš Ján, Bočev Boris

Film editor
Beneš Matej


The film “What Do You Think About NATO?” analyzes the views of young people on the issue of Slovakia’s integration into NATO. Ten young people are placed in “a waiting room” with hidden cameras and microphones. Various materials about NATO, crime, and security are made available to them. A television in the room shows footage devoted to the topic of NATO integration. Beforehand, the individuals are briefed on their involvement in this project and are told that their accounts will be used for a sociological study. They are told to formulate their position on integration into NATO during a three-hour “waiting period”. Additionally, they are encouraged to exchange information amongst themselves and read the provided publications. During the “waiting process”, each one of the participants is invited into a room with a hidden camera, to participate in a 15-minute discussion with a psychologist who is knowledgeable of NATO issues. The psychologist’s primary purpose is to challenge the subject’s ideas and notions about the organization. After three hours, the participants are expected to record a five-minute monologue in which they discuss their positions on Slovakia’s integration into NATO, as well as the arguments that helped them form these positions. The majority of the footage contains conversations from the “waiting room”. The movie focuses on gaining a spontaneous and uncensored points of view of young people on issues of NATO integration. It also explores the underlying reasons for these views.

Product details
  Run time 13
  Medium videotape
  Projection format VHS, color

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