Marián Velšic
Research Fellow

CV abstract

Marián Velšic, graduate of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia with a Ph.D. degree in sociology. From 1995 to 1998 worked for the Cabinet of Political Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since September 1998 he has worked at the Institute for Public Affairs. In 1995 he was a founding member of a revue titled 'Quo vadis, Slovakia?' and remained on its editorial board until 1998. He has co-authored a number of publications, including: Two Years of Political Freedom - Ex Post (1993); Democracy and Discontent in Slovakia: A Public Opinion Profile of a Country in Transition (1998); Slovakia and its Election Rules (1998); The 1998 Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Rebirth in Slovakia (1999), The Country in Motion (2001); Slovakia - A Global Report on the State of Society (1998 – 2009; Digital Literacy in Slovakia (2005 - 2015), Kde sme? Mentálne mapy Slovenska (2010); [Where are we now? Mental maps of Slovakia]; Odkiaľ a kam. 20 rokov samostatnosti (2013) [Where we are coming from and going to. 20 Years of Independence]. In his research career, he has participated in several dozen sociological studies focusing on public opinion and transformation processes. Since 2005, he heads the Digital Literacy research project in Slovakia, with focus on mapping the processes related to informatization of society.


  • information society, e-Government, digital literacy
  • public opinion and political culture
  • transformation processes in the society


Work History

  • analyst, Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava, from 1998
  • researcher, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1995 – 1998


  • Ph. D., political science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1995-2001
  • M. A., sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1989-1994

Media Collaboration

Electronic Media:
STV, TV Markíza, TA3, TV JOJ, Slobodná Európa, Slovensko 1, Rádio Slovakia International, Rádio Twist, Rádio Expres, BBC Bratislava, ČT 1, Český rozhlas

Periodical Press
: Sme, Národná obroda, Pravda, Hospodárske noviny, Slovak Spectator, Mladá Fronta Dnes, Formát, Stratégie, Moment, Obecné noviny, Verejná správa, AmCham Connection, Listy SFPA, Infoware, PC Revue 

Press Agencies

Selected Book Publications

  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálne Slovensko [Digital Slovakia]. In: BÚTORA, M. – KOLLÁR, M. – MESEŽNIKOV, G. – BÚTOROVÁ, Z. (eds.): Odkiaľ - Kam. 20 rokov samostatnosti [Where we are coming from and going to. 20 Years of Independence]. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2013, p. 455 – 465
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť - šance a riziká [Digital Literacy – Chances and Risks]. In: BÚTORA, M. – KOLLÁR, M. – MESEŽNIKOV, G. – BÚTOROVÁ, Z. (eds.): Kde sme? Mentálne mapy Slovenska [Where are we now? Mental maps of Slovakia]. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2010, p. 435 – 445
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digital Literacy. In: BÚTORA, M. – KOLLÁR, M. – MESEŽNIKOV, G. (eds.): Slovakia 2005. A Global Report on the State of Society. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2006, p. 628 – 654
  • VELŠIC, M.: Informačná spoločnosť [Information Society]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – KOLLÁR, M. (eds.): Voľby 2006. Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2006, p. 147-161
  • GYÁRFÁŠOVÁ, O. – KRIVÝ, V. – VELŠIC, M.: Kultúrne vzorce, hodnotové orientácie [Cultural Formulas, Value Orientations]. In: GÁL, F. – MESEŽNIKOV, G. – KOLLÁR, M. (eds.): Vízia vývoja Slovenskej republiky do roku 2020 [The Vision of the Development of the Slovak Republic until 2020]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2003, p. 246-264
  • VELŠIC, M.: Mladí voliči [Young Voters]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – GYÁRFÁŠOVÁ, O. – KOLLÁR, M.: Slovenské voľby 02. Bratislava [Slovak Elections 02]: Institute for Public Affairs, 2003, p. 129–148
  • NOVOTNÝ, P. – FORGÁCS, D. – VELŠIC, M.: Mimovládne organizácie a voľby [Non-governmental Organizations and Elections]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – GYÁRFÁŠOVÁ, O. – KOLLÁR, M.: Slovenské voľby 02 [Slovak Elections 02]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2003, p. 181–200
  • VELŠIC, M.: Samospráva a decentralizácia v optike verejnej mienky [Self-administration and Decentralization through the Prism of the Public Opinion]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – NIŽŇANSKÝ V.: Reforma verejnej správy na slovensku 1998-2002 [Reform of Public Administration in Slovakia. Context, Actors, Election]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2002, p. 147–175
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – KOLLÁR, M. (eds.): Slovensko 2002. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia 2002. Global Report on the State of Society]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2002, p. 291-331
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – KOLLÁR, M. (eds.): Slovensko 2001. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia 2001. Global Report on the State of Society]. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2001, p. 241-284
  • GYÁRFÁŠOVÁ, O. – KRIVÝ, V. – VELŠIC, M., et al.: Krajina v pohybe [Country in Motion. Report on Political Views and Values of People on Slovakia]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2001
  • BÚTOROVÁ, Z. – GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – KOLLÁR, M. (eds.): Slovensko 2000. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia 2000. Global Report on the State of Society]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2000, p. 281-324
  • BÚTOROVÁ, Z. – GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Verejná mienka [Public Opinion]. In: MESEŽNIKOV, G. – IVANTYŠYN, M. (eds.): Slovensko 1998–1999. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [Slovakia 1998–1999. Global Report on the State of Society]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1999, p. 233–268
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Dynamika verejnej mienky [Dynamics of the Public Opinion]. In: SZOMOLÁNYI, S. – PEŠEK, J.: November 1989 na Slovensku. Súvislosti predpoklady a dôsledky [November 1989 in Slovakia. Context, Assumptions and Consequences]. Bratislava : Milan Šimečka Foundation, Historical Institute of SAV and Department of Political Sciences at FiF UK Bratislava, 2000, s. 150–161
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – KÚSKA, M. – VELŠIC, M.: Prvovoliči a voľby 1998: volebné správanie, motívy hlasovania [First-time Voters and Elections of 1998]. In: BÚTORA, M. – MESEŽNIKOV, G. – BÚTOROVÁ, Z. – FISHER, S. (eds.): Slovenské voľby 98 , Kto? Prečo? Ako? [Slovak Elections 1998. Who? Why? How?]. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1999, p. 277–288
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – KÚSKA, M. – VELŠIC, M.: First–time Voters in the Elections 1998. In: BÚTORA, M. – MESEŽNIKOV, G. – BÚTOROVÁ, Z. – FISHER, S. (eds.): The 1998 Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Rebirth in Slovakia. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1999, p. 233–243
  • IVANTYŠYN, M. – VELŠIC, M. – BÚTOROVÁ, Z.: First–time Voters. In: Butorová, Z. (ed.): Democracy and Discontent in Slovakia – A Public Opinion Profile of a Country in Transition. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1998, p. 135–150
  • KUBÍN, Ľ. – VELŠIC, M.: Slovensko a jeho volebné pravidlá [Slovakia and its Election Rules]. Bratislava : Veda, 1998
  • VELŠIC, M.: Sondy do politického života SNR [A Probe into Political Life of the Slovak National Council]. In: KUBÍN, Ľ. – VELŠIC, M. – DAŇO, R. – JUHÁS, B. – STUPŇAN, I. – BALKO, D.: Dva roky politickej slobody – ex post [Two Years of Political Freedom - ex-post]. Zborník. Bratislava : RaPaMaN, 1993, p. 107–118
  • VELŠIC, M.: Sondy do politického života SNR [A Probe into Political Life of the Slovak National Council]. In: KUBÍN, Ľ. – VELŠIC, M. – DAŇO, R. – JUHÁS, B. – STUPŇAN, I. – BALKO, D.: Dva roky politickej slobody [Two Years of Political Freedom - ex-post]. Zborník. Bratislava: RaPaMaN, 1992, p. 136 – 160

Working Papers and Research Studies

  • VELŠIC, M.: Informatické vzdelávanie optikou mladých [Informatics Education in Young People View]. Bratislava : Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2017
  • VELŠIC, M.: Mladí ľudia v kyberpriestore – šance a riziká pre demokraciu [Young People in Cyberspace - Chances and Risks to Democracy]. Bratislava : Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2016
  • JANOTÍK, T - VELŠIC, M.: e-Skills a trh práce na Slovensku [E-Skills and the Labor Market in Slovakia]. Bratislava : Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2016
  • VELŠIC, M.: Deti a rodičia v kyberpriestore.[Children and Parents in Cyberspace] Bratislava : Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2016
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť na Slovensku 2015 [Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2015. Rearech Report]. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2015
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť na Slovensku 2013 [Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2013. Researech Report]. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2013
  • VELŠIC, M.: Sociálne siete na Slovensku [Social Networks in Slovakia]. Bratislava : Inštitút pre verejné otázky, 2012
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť na Slovensku 2011 [Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2011. Researech Report] Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2011
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť na Slovensku 2009 [Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2009. Researech Report]. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2009
  • VELŠIC, M.: Citizens Online. Researech Report. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2008
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť na Slovensku 2007 [Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2007. Researech Report]. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2007
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digitálna gramotnosť na Slovensku [Digital Literacy in Slovakia. Researech Report]. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2005
  • VELŠIC, M.: Digital Literacy in Slovakia. Multimedia CD. Bratislava : Institute for Public Affairs, 2005
  • VELŠIC, M.: Civilizačná gramotnosť – problém budúcnosti [Civilization Literacy - a  Problem of the Future]. Analysis of Research Findings. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, december 2002  
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Prvovoliči a druhovoliči vo volebnej kampani 2002 [First and Second-time Voters in the Elections Campaign of 2002]. Analysis of Research Findings. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2002
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Slovenskí voliči a parlamentné voľby 2002 [Slovak Voters and the Parliamentary Elections of 2002]. Analysis of Research Findings. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2002
  • VELŠIC, M.: Zmena politického režimu na Slovensku v perspektíve verejnej mienky [Change of Political Regime in Slovakia in the Perpective of Public Opinion]. Working Paper. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 2001
  • MAROŠIOVÁ, L. – GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Otvorené okná [Open Windows]. Working Paper. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, marec 2000
  • GYARFÁŠOVÁ, O. – VELŠIC, M.: Názory slovenskej verejnosti na zahraničnú politiku. [Opinions of the Slovak Public on Foreign Policy], Working Paper. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1999
  • BÚTOROVÁ, Z. – VELŠIC, M.: Zaostrené na Bratislavu [Bratislava in Focus]. Working paper. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1998
  • VELŠIC, M.: Slovenské súdnictvo očami verejnej mienky [Slovak Judiciary as Seen by Public Opinion]. Analysis of Research Findings. Working Paper. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs, 1998
  • MIHÁLIKOVÁ, S. – KUBÍN, Ľ. – KULAŠÍK, P. – VELŠIC, M.: Socio–politické, ekonomické a axiologické orientácie a premeny stredoeurópskych spoločností [Sociopolitical, Economic and Axiological Orientations and Tranformations in Central European Societies]. Introductory report from a sociological research. Bratislava: Comenius University – Department of Political Science, 1995, p. 43–55

Analysis of Research Findings Published on the Internet

Visit the analyses at Research

Other Activities

  • co-founder and member of the Board of Trustees, RaPaMaN Foundation, Bratislava, 1991 – 2000
  • member of the editorial board, social - political revue „Quo vadis, Slovakia?“, 1995 – 1998
  • project coordinator: „Slovakia 1996 – Global Report on the State of Society“, IVO 1997

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