My rozhodneme.sk. 333 dobrých dôvodov, prečo ísť voliť

Demeš Pavol

Demeš Pavol

IVO, Bratislava, 5_2002


The publication’s aim is to promote the participation of the citizens of the Slovak Republic in the 2002 Parliamentary elections, by convincing them of the importance of each vote. The book represents a mosaic of 333 individual opinions, coming from various parts of Slovakia, on why they will go to the polls and what is going to influence their decisions. The book illustrates the sense of responsibility the people feel for the country and its future. It also explores what importance they attribute to the election process. Writers, scientists, artists, teachers, civic activists, representatives of religious institutions, entrepreneurs, managers, diplomats, athletes, and first-time voters share their opinions on this topic. For all those who have not decided to come to the voting booths, the book offers inspiration, as it explores why it is important not to resign on one’s right to participate in the elections. The answers to the above questions were compiled between February and April 2002. They are organized by the respondent’s professions. The book also contains two additional sections; the first one is entitled “Concise History of Elections in Slovakia”, written by historian Dušan Kováč and the second, entitled “Information on the Voting System and an Overview of the Results of Parliamentary Elections since the year 1990” written by political scientist Grigorij Mesežnikov.

Product details
 Number of pages   143
 Format   paperback
 ISBN   80-88935-29-6

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