IVO analysts at the Train Station Žilina - Záriečie

On 29 January 2011, Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov discussed in the premises of cultural center Train Station Žilina - Záriečie (www.stanica.sk). The event took place as a part of the film festival One World. Topics were related to the public space, political communication and nationalism.

Besides IVO analysts the debaters were Michal Moravčík, an artist who works with political art in public spaces, and Monika Janigová, advertising agency McReo Žilina. The role of moderator was taken over by Peter Hodál, lawyer, activist and author of a documentary about election campaign "Now we love you", which was presented at the festival. 

Evening paper of Žilina published a report about the event: Na festivale Jeden svet prekvapili slovenskí tvorcovia

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