Reforma verejnej správy na Slovensku 1998 - 2002. Súvislosti, aktéri, voľby

Mesežnikov Grigorij, Nižňanský Viktor

Kling Jaroslav, Krivý Vladimír, Mesežnikov Grigorij, Nižňanský Viktor, Pilát Jaroslav, Velšic Marián

IVO, Bratislava, 5_2002


“Reform of Public Administration in Slovakia 1998-2002” offers an analytical look at the various opportunities of implementing significant changes during the process of decentralization of public administration. It describes the efforts made by the public administration, aimed at achieving systematic changes. It goes on to explore the results of these efforts. The authors of the publication analyze various aspects of the reform, such as its content, social implications, positions of political players, public opinion, as well as the results of the elections to the various bodies of regional self-government established in 2001. The publication, containing seven thematic chapters, is the result of a collective effort of internal analysts and external collaborators of the Institute for Public Affairs and experts of M.E.S.A 10 – Center for Macroeconomic and Social Analyses. The publication is intended for experts in the area of public administration, representatives of local and regional self-government, employees of the state administration, political scientists, sociologists, economists, activists of non-governmental organizations, journalists, students, and all those who are interested in social, economic, and domestic political development of the Slovak Republic.

Product details
 Number of pages   253
 Format   paperback
 ISBN   80-88935-30-x

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