Krajina v pohybe. Správa o politických názoroch a hodnotách ľudí na Slovensku

Gyárfášová Oľga, Krivý Vladimír, Mesežnikov Grigorij, Vašečka Michal, Velšic Marián

IVO, Bratislava, 2001


The publication shows general trends in the development of Slovak society, based on the results of dozens of sociological research projects. The focus areas include political views and value orientations of the Slovak population that has undergone a transformation from totalitarianism to liberal democracy during the 90s. Its aim is not to cover all aspects that influence the view of the population regarding political reality. Rather, the study focuses on aspects it deems important in terms of the future development and strengthening of democracy, foreign-political direction, and continued reforms. The publication further analyzes the respondents’ perception of country’s development after 1989 - examines the extent to which respondents value democratic political culture, observes their perception of political parties and politicians, as well as their perception of Slovakia’s history and the direction the country should be headed. The main focus of the publication rests however with the period after the 1998 elections. It contains an account of the development of the political scene in Slovakia, the basic characteristics of political parties, and the messages they have used to attract potential voters.

Product details
 Number of pages   414
 Format   paperback
 ISBN   80-88935-24-5

Price: 8,50 € Count:   Add to Basket

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